Below is an example script demonstrating this in action: As a result, a delay variable needs to be introduced in most cases. Since the release of Minecraft 1.8, previous scripts often fail due to the delay in opening the chat window. The line starting with a semicolon is a comment.
Code a ahk mc hack client windows#
The below example demonstrates use of autohotkey restricted to windows having the title "Minecraft". It's possible to restrict autohotkey to only activate in specific windows. On faster or slower machines, this can be lowered and raised accordingly to fit the player's needs. This script contains a SetKeyDelay to prevent the command being entered too quickly, ensuring the Minecraft Client registers the chat button being pressed. The sample script can be downloaded here: AutoHotkey.ahk Template AutoHotkey script for basic MineraftOnline Server commands: SetKeyDelay, 0, 50
Code a ahk mc hack client mac os x#
NOTE: this is a Windows program and will not work on Mac OS X nor any version of Linux.īelow is a sample script that can be edited by an end user to fit their button preferences, enabling them to assign keys to the commands available on the MinecraftOnline Server. In practice, a Moderator, Admin, or donator with the ability to use the /descend command could assign a hotkey to execute the /descend command instantaneously, saving the time they would otherwise have spent accessing the chat and typing the command to execute it manually.įor example, the macro q::Send t /home will send you to your /sethome location with the press of the button "q".